Castle Torgeath Redux 1.3.2 Released
Castle Torgeath Redux Release 1.3.2 includes automatic in-game switching between mouse and controller.
When you have both the mouse and a controller connected at the same time the game will initially assume you want to use the controller. You can automatically switch from controller to mouse by simply moving or clicking the mouse or pressing a key like Space, Enter, Alt, or Escape. To switch back to the controller just press one of the controller buttons, triggers, or bumpers.
In prior releases, you had to unplug the controller to return control to the mouse and keyboard. Plugging in the controller would automatically make it active and that is still the case with this release.
Castle Torgeath Redux 1.3.1 Released
Castle Torgeath Redux version 1.3.1 is now available on Steam. This release includes support for most screen sizes and aspect ratios.
We have explicitly tested aspect ratios 16:9, 16:10, and 4:3. This includes screen sizes such as 1920x1080, 1600x900, 1152x864, 1366x768, 1680x1050, 1440x900, and 1024x768. The game does not support screen horizontal/vertical sizes smaller than 768. Please keep in mind that the game was originally designed for 16:9 aspect ratio.
Castle Torgeath Redux 1.3.0 Released
Castle Torgeath Redux version 1.3.0 is now available on Steam. This release contains enemy ragdolling, our new Loot Thrower, and some fixes.
When enemies are killed they now have a physical reaction instead of just simply playing their death animations. While that is already great, we went a step further with enemies now having what we like to call death reactions. The player can hit the enemies to enjoy their wacky physics-based responses.
This release also has our new Loot Thrower weapon. Out of magic? Well never fear now you can chug that boot you always wanted to throw at enemies. The player has been given an amazing throwing arm to rapidly toss virtually all your junk found throughout the dungeon as a projectile weapon. Hoard as much as you can because the player is a machine gun with the loot as bullets. The stuff tossed out is with full physics as well! They bounce off walls, break boxes, and fly off enemies.
The Magic weapon shortcut (key "2") toggles between using spells or the Loot Thrower. Hold down the left mouse key and the Loot Thrower is a machine gun. We also added a selected weapon indicator on the lower right of the screen.
Finally, we made a series of fixes and provided better hardware support. The primary fixes were to file save/autosave operation and graphics screen size selection. We now support all 16:9 aspect ratio screen sizes such as 1920x1080, 1600x900, and 1366x768. Other aspect ratio screens (4:3 and 16:10) will work but with some clipping. These aspect ratios will be supported in a future release.
Castle Torgeath Redux 1.2.0 Released
Castle Torgeath Redux version 1.2.0 is now available on Steam. This release contains two new features. These are player jumping and weapon upgrades.
Player jumping by default uses the SPACE key or controller X button. You can jump on top of some rubble piles, barricades, and many scenery objects. Use jumping to escape some enemies and aid in combat.
You can upgrade your melee weapons in the Orcs Lair using the lit stoves. You select which weapon you want to upgrade in exchange for your loot. Upgrades are shown in Inventory Weapons tab with a "+" sign and how many times the weapon was upgraded. For example, "Steel Sword +1". Each upgrade will increase that weapon's hit score which is also shown in the Inventory Weapons tab.
This release also includes an update to AutoSave so that once you start a new level your last save will not be in the prior level. There were also some minor art related fixes.
Castle Torgeath Redux 1.1.0 Released
Castle Torgeath Redux version 1.1.0 is now available on Steam. This release contains requested features including FOV and Player/NPC voice options. These features are present on the Options window in Graphics and Audio tabs. The FOV options allows you to make changes to camera field of view. The Player/NPC voice options allows you to control whether player or NPC voice overs will be spoken or not.Castle Torgeath Collection now on Steam
The Castle Torgeath Collection complete the set bundle with 50% discount is now available on Steam.Castle Torgeath Redux Releasing Today 2/21/20
Our new game Castle Torgeath Redux is now available on Steam today February 21, 2020 1pm ET. Check us out on our Steam page.